In-vitro exposure system

A system is designed for the direct exposure of human cells to airborne substances. The system simulates the human exposure situation.


  • The individual basic modules are made entirely of autoclavable material (borosilicate glass, polished stainless steel) housing three wells for three individual cell culture inserts, which are insulated against the inner space of the modules. These vessels are filled with medium individually or from a central inlet, thus providing humidification and nutrification of cells, and creating an optimised microclimate above the cultivated cells. The constant temperature of the unit is assured by a regulated flow of temperate water through the module controlled by an external water bath. The unit has a central water inlet, which is connected via silicon tubes to the water bath. The water flows into the module, filling the chamber up to the top of an outlet at the upper edge of the inner space of the module (overflow principle).